Mint Proceeds
With a total supply of 1901 NFTs to be minted at the sale price of 125CRO (100CRO for CroArmy Soldiers and Coalitions)
CroArmy Launchpad will get the 15% cut for the Launch Fee
50% will be kept and never used, to cover for the rewards of the 100 CroTrons being turned in
A Maximum of 19% will be kept to cover for mint incentives (if there is some remaining, it will go in the project treasury)
Which leaves us with 16% for the project treasury.
The CRO in the treasury will be used to purchase NFT/Tokens for the Monthly raffles.
Some will be safely invested to stretch the treasury for as long as possible. Especially with Royalties coming back to the treasury
Our goal is to give all of the proceeds back to the community.
*Crodex Staking could be an option, if it is a direction the community would like to go.
Last updated